Wednesday, January 18, 2017

puzzled minds connect

hello, my name is Cindy just wanted to share a few thoughts today. i know that i am not alone when saying i feel lonely all the time, just waking up everyday to doing the same old things just different days. well here i have the whole world at my fingertips but dont know how to use this technolgy. and its an awsome way of sharing and trying to help someone else. thats why i havent went into to much details of my life to get to where i am at this moment in time.its  been one big stuggle after another  but im finding ways to put the puzzle pieces of my mind back into where they go... How you ask well by the GRACE of God almighty. if anyone is interested in what i have to say then hit me back on this blog and i can share a lot of things that ive been learning the past 3 and a half years.                                          1. i know how it feels to be alone and feel like you just cant go on..... theres hope!!!!                    2. i am a nobody but a somenbody to someone.........                                                                                3. i have a huge heart and I love you!!!!!!!                                                                                                4 i am open and willing to just listen if you just need a ear!!!!                                                    i will throw this out there and see what happens. i am just a human being trying to fit in this world. and i believe i can help others. so there you have it now its up to you to reply if this makes it out in the world. lol

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